Welcome to
Blount County

From boating and rock climbing to paying taxes online, this is your home for information on everything that is Blount County.

“Buy in Blount”
Support your schools, roads, and fire departments by buying in Blount County. When you shop or buy groceries, the taxes you pay support the county where you purchase.

Blount County taxes fund schools, roads and bridges, fire departments, and much more for Blount County communities. No matter which city or town, the taxes support all of Blount County.

Welcome to
Blount County

From boating and rock climbing to paying taxes online, this is your home for information on everything that is Blount County.

“Buy in Blount”
Support your schools, roads, and fire departments by buying in Blount County. When you shop or buy groceries, the taxes you pay support the county where you purchase.

Blount County taxes fund schools, roads and bridges, fire departments, and much more for Blount County communities. No matter which city or town, the taxes support all of Blount County.

Living Here
Visiting Here


Upcoming Events

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220 2nd Ave E, Suite 106
Oneonta, AL 35121

Office Hours
8AM - 5PM Monday - Friday 205-625-6868
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