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Bradley Harvey, Chairman


Allen Armstrong, District One Commissioner


Chad Trammell, District Two Commissioner


Chase Moore, District Three Commissioner


Nick Washburn, District Four Commissioner


The Blount County Commission meets at 9:00am on the second Tuesday of each month in the Blount County Courthouse Commission Boardroom.

A work session is held on the Thursday preceding each business meeting, at 9:00 am.

All  Blount County Commission meetings are open to the public.

The Blount County Commission consists of five elected members. Four commissioners are elected to serve four-year terms and are elected by the people in their respective commission districts. The fifth member is the chairman, elected to a six-year term and is elected by the county as a collective body.

Some common responsibilities of the Blount County Commission include:

  • Appropriate funds
  • Control and maintain commission property/assets
  • Provide facilities for the courts
  • Levy taxes
  • Settle claims
  • Ensure the availability of sanitation systems and services
  • Provide resources for public health
  • Arrange animal control
  • Promote overall public welfare
  • Operate a public transportation system
  • County parks
  • Maintain an inmate housing facility
  • Appoint and/or support local organizations that serve a county function (e.g. volunteer fire departments, chambers of commerce, etc.)
  • Repair and maintain the county’s infrastructure

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